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Showing Collections: 211 - 220 of 299

Petersen, Dwain F., 1934-. Oral History Interview, 17 and 24 October 1990.

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SMHC Collection 1431
Abstract The Dwain F. Petersen collection contains an audiocassette tape, a CD duplicate of the audiocassette, and transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Petersen and Francisca Beverly Epale during the fall of 1990. In the interview, Petersen discussed the changes that he observed while teaching in several rural communities and while serving as a professor and chairman of the Educational Foundations program at Mankato State University. The interview covers the period between 1955...
Dates: 1990-10-17; 1990-10-24

Petersen, Velda, 1925-2016. Oral History Interview, 7 October and 5 November 1986.

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: SMHC Collection 1485
Abstract The Velda Petersen collection consists of an audiocassette and transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Petersen and Beth Swanson during the autumn of 1986. In the interview, Petersen, a veteran teacher with over thirty years of experience in education, discussed the changes and continuities she experienced. She noted the frustrations and rewards associated with her profession, expectations amongst teachers, teacher organizations, student/parent relationships, and the...
Dates: 1986-10-07; 1986-11-05

Peterson, Joseph, 1985-. Oral History Interview, 2007

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SMHC Collection 1770
Abstract The Joseph Peterson collection consists of a biographical form and an audio CD and transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Peterson and Jessica Hughes in October 2007. Peterson attended Minnesota State University, Mankato from 2003-2008. In this interview, Peterson talks about why he chose to attend college at Minnesota State Mankato and his college experiences including where he lived, a normal school week, his academic career and choices, and trips he took during college....
Dates: 2007

Peterson, Lois J., 1923-2005. Oral History Interview, 2002.

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SMHC Collection 1706
Abstract The Lois J. Peterson collection consists of an audiocassette and transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Peterson and Kellian Clink in 2002. Peterson served in the Marine Corps but did not serve during war time. In this short interview she talks a little about what she did as a mechanic and where she was during her time in the service.This oral history interview was conducted as part of the South Central Minnesota Veterans History Project conducted by the...
Dates: 2002-01

Pettigrew, Quintin, 1945-. Oral History Interview, 6 and 10 February 1987

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: SMHC Collection 1463
Abstract The Quintin Pettigrew collection consists of an audiocassette and transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Pettigrew and Kelly Smith during the winter of 1987. Pettigrew began his career in education as an elementary school teacher but eventually became the High Potential Programming Coordinator for the Mankato Public Schools in Mankato, Minnesota. In the interview, Pettigrew discussed the various programs available for gifted students in the Mankato school system, and how...
Dates: 1987-02-06; 1987-02-10

Phelps, Andrew G., 1901 - 1981. Oral History Interview, 1979.

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SMHC Collection 0190

The Andrew G. Phelps collection contains an audiocassette tape, a CD duplicate of the audiocassette, and a transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Phelps and Mary E. Sheeran in 1979. Phelps was bom 24 December 1901, and he began working in the railroad business on 29 October 1919. In the interview, Phelps discussed his duties as a fireman on the raihoad in the 1920s and the Great Depression's affects on the railroad industry.

Dates: 1979

Pietan, Norman, 1920-. Oral History Interview, 9 and 28 October 1987

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SMHC Collection 1445
Abstract The Norman Pietan collection consists of an audiocassette tape, a CD duplicate of the audiocassette, and transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Pietan and Lee Chinghwa during the fall of 1987. Pietan worked as an art education professor at Mankato State College and University between 1965 and 1983. He had previous experiences working as an art teacher in a Maryland high school and as a faculty member at St. Cloud State and at Mills College in Oakland, California. In the...
Dates: 1987-10-09; 1987-10-28

Pilgrim, Dean D, 1930-2009. Oral History Interview, 17 October and 8 November 1986.

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: SMHC Collection 1484
Abstract The Dean Pilgrim collection consists of three audiocassettes and the transcript of an oral history interview conducted between Pilgrim and Jan Loft during the autumn of 1986. In the interview, Pilgrim, a junior/senior high school science and media teacher and librarian at Buffalo Center, Iowa between 1953 and 1986, discussed his career, relationship with the school’s administrators, students, and support staff. He concluded the interview with comments concerning trends in the media along...
Dates: 1986-10-17; 1986-11-08

Pleiss, Ruth E., 1920-2006. Oral History Interview, 2003.

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SMHC Collection 1711
Abstract The Ruth E. Pleiss collection consists of an audiocassette and transcript of an oral history interview between Pleiss and Daardi Sizemore in October 2003. Pleiss served in the Army as a nurse during World War II. She talks about her time in the service and about her life and work she did at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Pleiss was discharged from the Army as First Lieutenant. This oral history interview was conducted as part of the South Central Minnesota Veterans History Project...
Dates: 2003-10

Popowski, David J., 1940-. Oral History Interview, 2007

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: SMHC Collection 1739
Abstract The David J. Popowski collection consists of an audiocassette tape, a CD duplicate of the audiocassette, and a biographical form and interview outline of an oral history interview conducted between Popowski and Marsha Danielson in January 2007. In this interview, Popowski talks about his family, his experience as a student at Mankato State College, and his experience as an English Department faculty member at Minnesota State University.This oral history interview was conducted as...
Dates: 2007

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Southern Minnesota Historical Center 296
Minnesota State University, Mankato University Archives 3
Oral history 251
Educational change 117
Teachers 83
Teachers -- Minnesota 72
Minnesota 47
∨ more
Mankato (Minn.) 46
History 28
World War, 1939-1945 19
College teachers 17
Mankato (Minn.) -- History 17
Veterans 17
Women veterans 15
Rural schools 11
Education 10
Schools 10
Blue Earth County (Minn.) 9
Blue Earth County (Minn.) -- History 8
Dakota Indians War, 1862-1865 8
Elementary school teachers 7
High school teachers 7
Students 7
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 7
College athletes 6
Physical education teachers 6
School discipline 6
School superintendents 6
Strikes and lockouts 6
Waterville (Minn.) 6
Alumni and alumnae 5
Frontier and pioneer life 5
Iowa 5
Mankato State Teachers College 5
School principals 5
Elementary school principals 4
Football 4
Korean War, 1950-1953 4
Mankato Normal School 4
New Ulm (Minn.) 4
Newspapers 4
North Mankato (Minn.) 4
Public schools 4
Science teachers 4
Sleepy Eye (Minn.) 4
Teachers' unions 4
Brown County (Minn.) 3
Catholic teachers 3
Dakota Indians 3
Educational innovations 3
Faribault (Minn.) 3
French teachers 3
Genealogy 3
High school students 3
Home economics teachers 3
Mankato State College 3
Martin County (Minn.) 3
Minneapolis (Minn.) 3
Music teachers 3
Musicians 3
Prisoners of war 3
Redwood Falls (Minn.) 3
Saint Peter (Minn.) 3
School board members 3
Special education teachers 3
Track and field 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 3
Albert Lea (Minn.) 2
Amboy (Minn.) 2
Amboy (Minn.) -- History 2
Art teachers 2
Athletics 2
Church history 2
Classroom management 2
Coaching (Athletics) 2
Dakota War, Minnesota, 1862 2
Educational counseling 2
Gaylord (Minn.) 2
Health education 2
Janesville (Minn.) 2
Kindergarten teachers 2
La Crosse (Wis.) 2
Le Sueur County (Minn.) 2
Mainstreaming in education 2
Mankato (Minn.) -- Church history 2
Mankato State University 2
Manners and customs 2
Mathematics teachers 2
Middle school teachers 2
Minnesota History 2
Montgomery (Minn.) 2
Owatonna (Minn.) 2
People with disabilities 2
Physical education and training 2
Pioneers -- Minnesota -- Blue Earth County 2
Randolph (Minn.) 2
Roseville (Minn.) 2
Saint James (Minn.) 2
Saint Paul (Minn.) 2
Sibley County (Minn.) 2
Social science teachers 2
Teacher-student relationships 2
∧ less
German 1
Minnesota State University, Mankato 54
Mankato State College 41
Mankato State University 40
Veterans History Project (U.S.) 28
Mankato State Teachers College 18
∨ more
Wilson Campus School (Mankato, Minn.) 17
Alvarez, Zeara, 1975- 15
Sheehy, Mark 14
Danielson, Marsha 13
Mixon, Daardi Sizemore 12
United States. Army 8
Clink, Kellian Donna, 1958- 5
Kuhlmann, James 5
United States. Marine Corps 5
Mlady, Grace 4
Engen, David, 1968- 3
United States. Navy 3
Ahlness, Lisa, 1985- 2
Arndtsen, Julie M. 2
Bastian, Christine, 1983- 2
Becker, Mechthild 2
Beelman, John 2
Burdorf, Molly, 1984- 2
Cornelius, Melissa, 1985- 2
Davis, Eugenie C. 2
Glenn, Sandi 2
Hacker, Zach, 1985- 2
Halpin, Kimberly, 1983- 2
Hand, John J. 2
Hitzemann, Dennis L. 2
Hughes, Jessica, 1985- 2
Iverson, Emely, 1984- 2
Javid, Salumeh, 1976- 2
Johnson , Brian , 1979- 2
Kunelius, Mary 2
Lingen, Percy 2
Maag, Jamie, 1983- 2
Martin, Michael R. 2
Mason, Marcia 2
Okafor, Uchenna 2
Otto, Dorothy, 1918-1994 2
Overholtzer, Deborah 2
Peterson, Joseph, 1985- 2
Peterson, Leslie 2
Posner, Cynthia, 1983- 2
Real, Jennifer, 1986- 2
Reul, Allison, 1986- 2
Rusch, Evan 2
Siebrass, Hershel, 1932-2017 2
Skaden, Nicholas, 1985- 2
Smerdon, Kelly, 1984- 2
Smiland, Christy, 1984- 2
Smith, Kelly David 2
Stenzel, Anne 2
Sylvester, Shirleen K. 2
Ta, Jamie, 1985- 2
Thao, Mickey 2
Thomas, David A. 2
Timm, Casey, 1985- 2
Townsend, Cassie, 1985- 2
United States. Army. Minnesota Infantry Regiment, 1st (1861-1864) 2
United States. Army. Women's Army Corps 2
Van Duyn, Victoria J. 2
Walchuk, Christopher 2
Wiecking, Anna M., 1887-1973 2
Wizenburg, Patrick, 1984- 2
Wollin, David K. 2
Young, Loy, 1923-2015 2
Zeig, Michelle 2
Zust, Jeffery L. 2
Aanonsen, Carl 1
Adams, James Kenneth, 1930- 1
Agboola, Wale, 1988- 1
Ahrens, John 1
Alberg, Winnifred, 1923- 1
Albrecht, Janet, 1935-2016 1
Albright, Marjorie, 1920-2006 1
Alcorn, Wallace, 1930- 1
Allan, David W., 1938- 1
Allen, David M., 1952- 1
American Legion 1
American National Red Cross 1
Anderson, Clifford L 1
Anderson, Leilah A 1
Anthony, Darwin R., 1935- 1
Antonelli, Monika 1
Arsenault, Raymond R. 1
Asamoa, Emmanuel, 1988- 1
Ashcraft, Frances Irene, 1920-2004 1
Asher, Gregg, 1946- 1
Aspelund, Mark M, 1953 1
Baird, Mary , 1923- 1
Baker, James H. (Rena) Mrs. 1
Barna, Tom David, 1957- 1
Barney 1
Barney, Asa, 1835- 1
Barth, Frank W., 1888-1983 1
Bartscher, Robert M. 1
Bartusek, Patricia A. 1
Beck, Karla E. 1
∧ less